Type: Courgettes and other squashes

June 13, 2022

Tamara’s ratatouille

Although I call this ratatouille the name doesn’t do it any justice, as this is the most magnificently delicious dish, nothing like…

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Crusted pumpkin wedges with soured cream

You can use most varieties of pumpkin for these satisfying wedges. Serve with Green gazpacho (page 180) to make a light and…

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Courgette and cobnut salad

Fresh cobnuts from Kent are wonderfully sweet and juicy. They have a short season, from mid-August until October, but are worth using…

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Stuffed courgettes

This is a bastardized version of a Turkish original. Serve it cold, just above fridge temperature, with goat’s yoghurt….

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Mixed grill with parsley oil

Char-grilling seasonal vegetables the way we often do at Ottolenghi makes them taste almost meaty due to the strong aromas of smoke…

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Roasted butternut squash with sweet spices, lime and green chilli

Here’s the most refreshing way I can think of to start a meal. (See picture on page 67.)…

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Halloween soufflés

To introduce this dish I reprise a famous supermarket’s slogan: ‘Try something scary today’. By scary I mean a soufflé, which is…

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